
英语名称 Tourmaline 由古僧伽罗(锡兰)语Turmali 一词衍生而来,意思为“混合宝石”。碧玺的成分复杂,颜色也复杂多变。国际珠宝界基本上按颜色对碧玺划分商业品种,颜色越是浓艳价值越高。选购时应注意颜色、透明度以及纯净度等。



英文名称:Tourmaline gems









碧玺除了具有丰富多彩的颜色外,最为吸引人的还在于它的多色性 。当我们手持碧玺对照光线转动以不同的角度进行观察时,碧玺的颜色色调和深浅程度会随着观察的角度不同而发生改变。这是由于碧玺拥有较强的多色性所至,这也为碧玺披上了神秘的色彩。碧玺的压电效应和热电效应当碧玺经过加热或施加压力后,或者利用丝绸或毛料加以摩擦,会使柱状碧玺两端产生电极效应,一端为正电,另一端为负电,这会使碧玺会将一些灰尘或小纸屑吸引起来,该神奇的力量便是碧玺的压电效应和热电效应,也是“电气石”这一名称的由来。曾经有一段有趣故事:传说1703年,一个温暖的夏天,在荷兰的阿姆斯特丹,有几个小孩在玩荷兰航海者带回的石头。突然,一个小孩发现这些石头将近处的灰尘和草屑纷纷吸了过去。小孩十分惊奇,便叫他们的父母来看,果然发现这种石头能吸引或排斥轻物体,如灰尘和草屑等。从此,荷兰人把它叫做"吸灰石",并被用来清理烟管中的烟灰。


















英文翻译:Tourmaline (Tourmaline) is the arts and crafts of Tourmaline, Tourmaline is the group level jewelry for a kind, is a kind of boron silicate crystals, containing aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, potassium and other chemical elements, presents a variety of colors.

The English name Tourmaline comes from the ancient Sinhalese (Ceylon) word Turmali, which means "mixed gem." Tourmaline composition is complex, the color is also complex. International gem bound divides commercial breed to tourmaline basically by color, color is more luxuriant value is higher. Pay attention to color, transparency and purity when purchasing.

The collection is introduced

Chinese name: Tourmaline stone

Tourmaline Gems

Category: Porcelain

Appearance: Beautiful

The tourmaline, also known as the stone of desire, has a weak energy of its own and is a gemstone prone to absorption. Because "tourmaline" and "to ward off evil" homonym, is often regarded as the main blessing to ward off evil gems.

The mineralogical name of the Tourmaline, Tourmaline in English, is derived from the ancient Sinhalese word Turmali, meaning "mixed gem." It is called "arsenic", "tourmaline", "bee Xiaxi" and "broken evil gold" in some historical documents of our country. The crystal tourmaline of the tourmaline is a complex trigonal columnar crystal with characteristic parallel growth stripes along the extension direction of the columnar crystal. On the other hand, it is a spherical triangle with a cambered surface.

In 1500, a Portuguese prospecting team discovered a gem in Brazil that actually sparkled with colorful neon lights. Like a rainbow shooting from the sky to the center of the earth, ordinary stones bathed in the rainbow along the way get all kinds of colors of the world, being polished crystal clear. This hidden in the rainbow at the foot of the gem, known as the tourmaline later generations, also known as the "rainbow fell into the earth." At present, tourmaline and ruby, sapphire, aquamarine, tanzanite, emerald, and other stones with natural colors can be classified into the category of colored stones, which are deeply loved by the public and have a huge market value added space.

In some historical works after the Qing Dynasty, the names of "tourmaline", "Bi Xixi", "Xi Lingshi" and so on have also been found, and modern people call this peculiar gem as a tourmaline. It is said that the tourmaline was especially favored by the Empress Dowager Cixi. Among her funeral objects, there were many tourmaline jewelry, including precious varieties such as watermelon tourmaline. There are many kinds of tourmaline jewelry, such as tourmaline bracelet, tourmaline ring, tourmaline pendant, etc.

Tourmaline was one of the materials used to make the plumes worn by officials of the first and second orders, and was also used to make the beads they wore. At the same time, the tourmaline was also a favorite of the Empress Dowager Cixi, so it received unprecedented attention in China during her reign. The empress Dowager Cixi, in charge of the imperial court, had a special fondness for jade, as well as for the colorful, ever-changing tourmaline. She was a complete tourmaline fan. Among the funeral objects of the Empress Dowager Cixi in the Qing Dynasty was a lotus carved with a tourmaline weighing 36,280 yuan and a pillow made of a tourmaline worth 750,000 taels of silver at the time

The color of the tourmaline is the most abundant of all precious stones. Because tourmaline is a complex borosilicate mineral, chemical molecular formula is Na(Mg,Fe,Mn,Li,Al)3Al6[Si6O18][BO3]3(OH,F)4, among which iron, magnesium, lithium, manganese, aluminum and other metal ions can be replaced each other, the content of each ion is different, will directly affect the tourmaline color and different types. Iron-rich tourmaline is black and green; Magnesium-rich tourmaline yellow or brown; A tourmaline rich in lithium, manganese, and cesium shows rose red, pink, red, or blue; The chrome tourmaline is shown in dark green. Of which the blue and red rose tourmaline as the top quality. In the same tourmaline crystal, due to the uneven distribution of components, also often lead to color changes, along the tourmaline appears a two-color tourmaline, multicolored tourmaline or inner infrared green watermelon tourmaline and other types.

In addition to its rich and colorful colors, tourmaline is most attractive because of its polychromatic nature. When we hold the tourmaline and look at it from different angles against the rotation of light, the color tone and depth of the tourmaline will change depending on the Angle of view. This is because the tourmaline has a strong polychromatic nature, which also gives the tourmaline a mysterious color. Tourmaline piezoelectric effect and thermal effect when tourmaline after heating or pressure, or the use of silk or wool to friction, can make the columnar electrode effects on both ends of the tourmaline, one end is positive, the other side is negatively charged, it makes tourmaline will some dust or small paper scraps attract, the magic power is the piezoelectric effect of tourmaline and thermoelectric effect, is also the origin of the name "tourmaline". It is said that on a warm summer day in 1703 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, some children were playing with stones brought back by Dutch seafarers. All of a sudden, a child noticed that the stones were drawing dust and grass from nearby. Surprised, the child called his parents to look and, sure enough, found that the stone attracted or repels light objects, such as dust and grass dust. From then on, the Dutch called it "ash-stone" and it was used to remove soot from smoke pipes.

The tourmaline crystals will contain abundant liquid and vapor inclusions, which are often distributed in a directional manner, forming tubular inclusions. The dense tubular inclusions will lead to cat eye effect on the tourmaline processed into a cambriform or beadlike shape — a distinct bright band appears on the surface of the tourmaline, and the bright band changes with the different viewing angles

Indicolite: A general name for a light blue to dark blue tourmaline. Blue tourmaline is now the most valuable color among tourmalines due to its rarity. The blue tourmaline is found in the yellow clay of weathered granite from Siberia, Russia, as well as in Brazil, Madagascar and the United States

The black tourmaline is dark and deep in appearance. Can effectively eliminate pressure, fatigue, stale air, improve health, improve luck.

For those who sleep easily frightened and have nightmares at night, placing a black tourmaline can stabilize the space energy field and ward off evil spirits. Wearing a black tourmaline will help protect the patient from outside interference, focus on the disease, and speed recovery.

Yellow tourmaline: mainly lithium tourmaline and magnesium tourmaline in mineralogy. Yellow may be associated with the mixing of trace amounts of third-order iron or second-order manganese. A premium yellow tourmaline is similar to a "sherry topaz" or a "golden beryl". This tourmaline is found in Sri Lanka and on the Italian island of Elba. The latter is a sodium-rich variety, showing apricot yellow and brown yellow.

Yellow tourmaline is light yellow, yellow, brown, yellow brown, orange, green yellow and other yellow tones.

Mineralogy is mainly lithium tourmaline and magnesium tourmaline. Yellow may be associated with the mixing of trace amounts of third-order iron or second-order manganese. A premium yellow tourmaline is similar to a "sherry topaz" or a "golden beryl". This tourmaline is found in Sri Lanka and on the Italian island of Elba. The latter is a sodium-rich variety, showing apricot yellow and brown yellow.

The tourmaline is cut very well, and due to the refraction of light, the tourmaline forms an irregular gemstone light, beautiful as a flower, dazzling and dazzling.

An achroite is a colorless or milky tourmaline. Mineralogical magnesite tourmaline of poor iron.

Tourmaline color is rich, multicolored, is the colored gemstone, the purity good refraction light is very beautiful gemstone, tourmaline has many effects.

1. Bright and colorful rainbow colors can give people a feeling of being happy and eager to be at ease, which is conducive to the expansion of the mind and horizon, and has a certain therapeutic effect on the treatment of psychological diseases such as depression.

2. Tourmaline contains energy that has a calming effect and can focus the mind. And changeful colour can stimulate conception and originality, make a person act stably thereby, do one's best, make career flourishing.

Tourmaline is considered to be the top wangfu stone. This name comes from the Civilization of Guangdong. In Guangdong, a woman with a pretty face is considered prosperous. As the saying goes, "from the heart born", tourmaline will make people better, so often wearing people will also become moist luster, very beautiful, with a prosperous husband.

4 tourmaline can emit a very affinity magnetic field, can eliminate the diaphragm between people, love and friendship has a natural attraction effect. At the same time, a tourmaline worn by one who has the temperament of a prince can unlock more charm and draw more people together.

5. In addition to the above effects, the red, green and tourmaline also has the connotation of collecting wealth and paying off wealth. Meanwhile, red tourmaline because color and blood close, therefore, people think that red tourmaline also has the health care effect of promoting blood circulation, to treat dizziness, anemia has a better effect.

Red tourmaline (Rubellite) : General name for a pink to red tourmaline. Red tourmaline is the best of purple and rose red, known as the red tourmaline, also known as "children's noodles" in China. But the nature with brown, brown red, deep red output more, tonal change is bigger. At the same time, the specific gravity of the tourmaline varies with color; Dark red has a greater specific gravity than pink.

In the gemstone world, the beauty of tourmaline is better than diamond, and has electromagnetic field, regulate the biological electricity of the human body, can promote blood circulation and many other benefits, the collection of gemstones mainly see clarity, cutting, color, etc., the color of the above gemstones is pure, cut perfect, has a very high collection value.


