SIIB每天练习8次(重点:1 .固定表达;固定表达。 have done)



一天一个问题,Practice every day! Hold on and you’ll make it。



1. I hope you _______ to ask for advice on how to help disabled people in our daily life. 【4words】希望你不介意我给你写信,我想让你就日常生活中如何帮助残疾人给我提些建议。

2. I _______ my uncle at the airport instead of me this weekend. 【6words】不知周末你能否替我去机场接一下我叔叔。

3. Allow me to _______ your success. 【6words】请允许我对你的成功表示最诚挚的祝贺!

4. I’m writing to tell you I have found a flat for you, _______ for the school. 【4words】我写信是要告诉你我已经给你找到了一套公寓。该公寓离学校很近。

5. We hope today's _______ your approval too. 【4words】我们希望今天的提议也能够得到您的首肯。


1. We have been accused of exaggerating (夸大事实) before, but unfortunately all our reports _______ (prove) to be true

2. Their _______ (confident) and ambition has grown a great deal, which is very beneficial.

3. I tried _______ (remember) what had happened on earth, but I got nothing.

4. We seem _______ (lose) sight of the fact that marketing is only a means to an end.

5. The young writer is said _______ (write) lots of books so far.



1. don’t mind my/me writing 2. was wondering if you could meet 3. offer my most sincere congratulations on/upon 4. which is very handy 5. offer will meet with


1. have proved。prove是系动词,其近义词是turn out。它们的句型结构是Sth./Sb. + prove/turn out + (to be) +adj/n。

2. confidence。构词法,形容词变成名词,这种变化规律你还能想到哪些词?

3. to remember。注意try to do(努力去做某事)和try doing (试做某事)的区别。同时注意on earth (究竟、到底)的意思,表达这种含义时也可以用in the world。

4. to have lost。注意不定式的完成形式的含义和用法,它表达是过去的或已经完成的事情。

5. to have written。用法参照上一题的解析。be said to do/be doing/have done…(据说),类似的句型还有be reported/announced/thought/believed/known to do/be doing/have done…。

1.《disablehelp,干货看这篇!SIIB天天练8(划重点:1. 固定表达法;2. to have done)》援引自互联网,旨在传递更多网络信息知识,仅代表作者本人观点,与本网站无关,侵删请联系页脚下方联系方式。

2.《disablehelp,干货看这篇!SIIB天天练8(划重点:1. 固定表达法;2. to have done)》仅供读者参考,本网站未对该内容进行证实,对其原创性、真实性、完整性、及时性不作任何保证。
