


At the Babusha Forest Farm in Gulang County, Wuwei City, northwest China’s Gansu Province, more than 100 experts and scholars at home and abroad, who were also for the “Silk Road International Academic Symposium on Desertification Prevention and Ecological Restoration” held on August 24, 2019, listened attentively to Zhang Runyuan, one of the six local villagers affectionately known as the “Six Old Gentlemen”, telling about the story of difficult sand control.


It is a heartwarming story about three generations of the “Six Old Gentlemen” devoting their whole life to desertification control in the forest farm. Back to 1981, the local government in Gulang County tried to develop and control desertified land, and decided to contract Babusha to local villagers on a trial basis. The “Six Old Gentlemen” (namely, Shi Man, Guo Chaoming, He Falin, Luo Yuankui, Cheng Hai, Zhang Runyuan) signed a joint contract on setting up the Babusha Forest Farm with their thumb prints, since then they started fighting against desertification.

在甘肃省古浪县八步沙林场,张润元补栽花棒苗 (图 新华社)


At the beginning, the “Six Old Gentlemen”, who had no experience in desertification control, could only plant seedlings according to the outdated traditional method. They worked hard in the desert under the scorching sun, and often returned to the dwelling place and had dinner until it was dark. Sometimes sandstorms blew sand into their pots and bowls and grains of sand even crunched between their molars. After their hard work, they finally planted nearly 10,000 mu of saplings in the desert. But much to their dismay, half the seedlings were uprooted by two sandstorms in the following spring. “When briefing the forestry department, I said, ‘this is caused by natural disaster and we cannot avoid it, but we’ll work out solutions by ourselves.’ We found that where there is grass in the desert, trees can survive, so we fixed the trees in the desert sands with grass. And we finally make it,” said Zhang Runyuan.


In order to fulfill the green promise, the “Six Old Gentlemen” worked day and night, dedicated their whole life. Four of them went away, and the remaining two were too old to continue their work, but only half area of the 75,000-mu Babusha had been planted with trees. In order to fulfill the unfulfilled wish of their fathers, Guo Wangang (Guo Chaoming’s son), He Zhongqiang (He Falin’s son), Shi Yinshan (Shi Man’s son), Luo Xingquan (Luo Yuankui’s son), Cheng Shengxue (Cheng Hai’s son), and Wang Zhipeng (Zhang Runyuan’s son-in-law) took over their fathers’ work and became the second generation of desertification workers in Babusha.

在甘肃省古浪县境内的黑岗沙风沙口,八步沙第二代治沙人在沙漠中压沙治沙 (图 新华社)


With time passing by, now, in Babusha Forest Farm, caragana and scoparium trees planted by the “Six Old Gentlemen” have no longer blossomed, and all trees that bloom are planted by the “six brothers” of the younger generation. Guo Wangang pointed to a flowering Androsace umbellata tree and said: “The new trees are planted after the old trees, symbolizing inheritance too.” In the spring of 2017, Guo Wangang’s nephew Guo Xi joined the forest farm. He drove car through the desert and became the third generation to fight against desertification in Babusha.

八步沙“六老汉”三代治沙人(从左至右前排:石银山、张润元、郭万刚;后排:王志鹏、程生学、罗兴全、贺中强、郭玺) (图 新华社)


In 38 years, three generations of the “Six Old Gentlemen” have afforested 217,000 mu of desert and managed and protected grass on an area of 376,000 mu, turning the desert into an oasis with their great perseverance.


In Minqin County, another county of Wuwei City, the same desertification workers, one generation after another, are also creating the miracle of turning the desert into greenland.


Yang Kechang led local villagers to afforest 3,200 mu of desert in Dakengyan Village, and close the desert of more than 10,000 mu for growing grass, from 1952 to 1963.


Guo Pu, who had been studying desertification in Minqin County for 20 years since 1961, was awarded the title of “National Model Desertification Worker”.


Xu Qike, from 1984 to 1991, completed 16,551 mu of sand dune fixation, preventing sand encroachment of 2.8 million cubic meters.



Under extremely harsh conditions, local people in Minqin County, from one generation to another, successfully built an unyielding “green spine” in the northwest of China by planting rose willow and sacsaoul.



“Burying the grass in the grooves 10 centimeters deep and making the grass stand upright above the ground 20-30 centimeters. Each row should be spaced one meter apart.” At the edge of the Badain Jaran desert, under instruction from Chinese technicians, Elina Shekupe Nakanyala, a Namibian agricultural official, skillfully used a spade to dig grooves into the ground and filled them with grass, and a stretch of grass pane sand fence took shape after 30 minutes. In July 2018, Elena, together with 11 other participants from Egypt, Botswana and other countries, participated the 2018 desertification prevention and ecological restoration technology training program in developing countries organized by Gansu Desert Control Research Institute, to learn advanced Chinese experience and technologies in desertification control.


The establishment of the institute was proposed by Guo Pu, among the first generation of desertification workers in Minqin County, who served as the first director. The team has withstood various challenges, and the number of staff increased from 37 to 127. The establishment of Minqin Botanical Garden of Desert Plants, attracted the attention of international scientific academia in forestry and sand control more than 40 years ago, was also proposed by Guo Pu. In recent years, officials and scholars from the United Nations and more than 10 countries have come here for investigation and academic exchanges.



In recent years, the institute has conducted scientific and technological exchanges with 76 national and international organizations, and conducted cooperative research with more than 130 domestic research institutes and universities. More than 600 foreign experts and officials came to Gansu to study anti-desertification technologies, and 30 experts of the institute went abroad for exchanges. It has implemented 38 international scientific and technological cooperation projects and held 43 international training courses, sharing China’s sand control technology with other parts of the world.


Gansu, which is situated on the Silk Road Economic Belt, is a major province of desertification, where land desertified reaches 195,000 square kilometers, accounting for nearly 46 percent of the province’s total land area. Desertification and fragile environment used to be the major “bottleneck” dampening social and economic development in Gansu. Now, Gansu, which is in the forefront of sand control, has embraced myriad foreign friends to study anti-desertification technologies and practices, sharing its scientific sand control technologies with the rest of the world.









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